Friday 4 March 2011

Pricked by an Angel

My pal J says, when it comes to preserving your face, at 35 it's time to pull out the big guns.  After years of the cheapest drug store scrubs, long past J's magic number, and four weeks to my wedding, I just needed to pull out some guns.

So, I'm getting some work done.  I've just had my fourth treatment.

Remember I'm frugal.  I also believe in aging gracefully, au naturel.  I'm not quite ready to walk around with a piece of scotch tape between my eye brows, reminding me not to frown, but I'll never forget the French woman hotel guest I served years ago, who did just that.  She wore tape like a badge of honour, sun up till sun down.

My mom looks amazing for her age.  She swears by olive oil.  My cousin P looks unbelievable for her age.  I just found out she swears by Oil of Olay.

J hooked me up with a cosmetic acupuncturist.  Yesterday I counted 40 needles in my face, hands, knees and feet - a human pin cushion.  The amazing doctor, whose skin is as smooth as a baby's rear, tells me the fine pricks cause micro-trauma in the face, and stimulate the creation of collagen.  The result, is a tighter, brighter complexion.  I'm a total fan.  So now are three girlfriends, and my Mom.

The best part.  Check with your health plan.  Many give you a certain number of acupuncture dollars.

I've been pricked by an angel.

PS.  The pins in this picture are not acupuncture needles! They are household pins from my sewing kit. If like me you are terrified of needles, you should take comfort knowing those used in cosmetic acupuncture are about as fine as horse hair, or as one of my best pals once said on the air, "as fine as a mosquito's prick".


  1. Would you mind revealing who your acupuncturist is? I've used acupuncture a few times and really enjoy... would love to know more about the many benefits :)

  2. Yes! SKN Holistic Rejuvenation Clinic in Yaletown. Ask for Amanda!!
