Tuesday 1 March 2011

The piece of paper

Toothpaste, check.
Toilet paper, check.
Marriage Licence, check.

London Drugs really is a one stop shop.  "Next", jokes the witty clerk, "we'll perform the ceremony".

There's no way around the $100 fee to get your marriage licence in BC, so no frugal opportunity here.  But all things considered (what the document represents etc), this cost is a small one.

Our witty exchange with the willing clerk continues.  "How would you like to pay?" she asks. Always eager to collect the airmiles, I offer my credit card.  Who knew you can charge a marriage licence?

"Are you paying for the whole thing?" the clerk throws at me. 

Jeff and I must have looked puzzled.

So she explains: "Some couples split the cost.  He pays $50, she pays $50". 

The things she must see.

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