Wednesday 16 March 2011

Blessed and highly favoured

Two days to go according to the registry countdown. This is the whirl wind.

Three airport pick ups yesterday were followed by dinner with my new in laws.  It is an extraordinary thing to look around the table at ten people who've flown in from across the country, to raise that proverbial glass to you.

Through this whole process, and now at two days before, Jeff and I have been almost overwhelmed by offers of assistance.  From slicing tomatoes and flipping burgers at tomorrow's BBQ, to dropping off the boys for their sturgeon fishing adventure in Langley this morning.  My friend A has even offered to loan me her wedding dress.  I actually may take her up on that. Mine went in for a quick steam at the cleaners last week.  It was supposed to be ready yesterday.  Today I was told, 'tomorrow for sure'.

And then there are the truly unexpected gestures that have literally taken my breath away.  On Saturday night, I was going to visit Best Woman C, to hang out with pals S and L for some last singleton cocktails.  I was in C's Yaletown pad for less than 10 minutes, when someone emerged, unexpectedly from the bathroom.  C arranged to fly Best Woman M in two days early, so we could hang out together.  Here I thought I'd be the one full of surprises, at the airport two days later to greet M.

On Monday night, pal S dropped over two CD's - compilations we'll play when the band takes breaks Friday night.  So generous of her and savvie husband W to take the time, think of wedding appropriate hits, and put it all together.  We never expected the two CD's to come bound in special cases, with my wedding dress detail on the cover!

And today, with one final dose of cosmetic acupuncture to stimulate my epidurmis and make me glow for my walk down the aisle,  I am sent home with a really, really lovely bottle of Grey Monk sparkling brut.

Truly 'blessed and highly favoured', as Uncle M might say.

1 comment:

  1. i just heard on news1130 that you are getting married this weekend! congratulations. have a fantastic day. miss you. (beatriz)
