Sunday 13 March 2011

The $6 Guest Book!

You learn a lot of things about yourself in the process of planning your wedding.  I learned pretty quickly, this isn't really the best time to explore my do-it-yourself skills (although I humbly accept my florist's gracious compliment over my attempt at binding my own bouquets). Handmade things are some of this world's most precious, but you have to have time, and basic knack.

In 'Experiment Flower' I did discover the kingdom of craft -- a retail giant for the do-it-yourself crowd.  I think you have to be careful here though.  It can be easy to spend.  Last minute panic almost got me again.  This time it was over the need for some kind of a guest book.  I hear people like to sign in with a greeting.  I figured the craft store may be a good option.  But $39.99 just seemed over the top.  I did pick up some beautiful thank you cards though -- 40 for 16 dollars.

I was beginning to think about heading to the local art supply shop, thinking a traditional sketch pad may just do the trick.  Then I saw the dollar store.  I don't spend a lot of my hard earned bucks on dollar store bits and bobs. 

But I stopped.  Sure enough, they had three options.  A warning though: the spelling was off on the cover of one.  One looked like the white, fuzzy journal belonging to a tween.  And one was just right.

$5.99 for a traditional, plain wedding guest book.  I can totally live with that.

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