Wednesday 23 February 2011

BFB plans rehearsal BBQ

Weddings and funerals. Why can't we all get together more often?

For me and Jeff, a big part of our wedding is about paying tribute to all the minds and hands that have been our guides, our sounding boards, our pin cushions and everything in between. We want to make this get together last.  (Besides, I'm of Ukrainian descent, and we'll take any excuse to party for three days!).

Instead of a rehearsal dinner, we've planned a BBQ.  We wanted to include all our guests in a very casual setting and get the party started early.  We also thought it would serve as a nice meet 'n greet.

My early estimate suggests we can pull it off and serve 70 without breaking the bank. So far the price is right, the devil is in the details.  This is where I learn to delegate!

Dearest Dad will tackle Costco run I've estimated will run me $300.  He has also agreed to pick up and drop off BBQ we are borrowing from super cool cousin who hooked us up with the venue.

And then there are the women.  I put out the email appeal to Mom, New Mom and Aunt T, asking for help with slicing up burger toppings, chilling the bevvies, and arranging the napkins and plates. Had to share response from Aunt T...

Hi Tamara,
Yes, the Big Day is approaching quickly. There is no time to waste. The three amazing women will
spring to action and will chop, cut, mince, mix and do wonders with paper plates and cups. They’ll
sample the wine and drink some beer while putting them into coolers. Tomatoes, pickles, onions
and cheese will be cut as instructed. I am offering my men ( M, B and C) to do heavy lifting if the need arises. Hope that all is going well and on track.
Hugs to you and Jeff,
Aunt T

Amazing indeed.

Just under $200 for the rental of a student association hall (thanks to connected cousin).

$35 for the Serving It Right certificate I had to get in order to apply for a Special Occasion Liquor license we need to have.

$25 for Special Occasion License

$300-$400 on beverages (buy too much at BC Liquor store and you can bring back what you don't use, as long as it hasn't been opened)

Oh, and making progress on flowers.  After I looked back at the bouquet I 'made', I've decided it's borderline hideous.  Have appointment to check out $99 Bridal Special with neighbourhood florist tomorrow...aside from mild shock that I've left all important flora this late, seem to have found pro who can help.  Will keep you posted.

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