Wednesday 6 April 2011

Stinging nettles for lunch....

Just don't touch them raw...

Seriously, they may look harmless, but they must be handled with care.  If you dare, this is their season. Nettles are one of Mother Nature's most healthful gifts to us -- they have all kinds of antiseptic properties, and are loaded with vitamins.  The humble nettle has been used to ease arthritis, asthma, bladder infections and bronchitis, and to relieve hives, kidney stones, laryngitis and PMS! Externally some say it can do great things for your hair, although I have yet to try rubbing nettles on my head.  Nettle is reportedly a remedy against oily hair and dandruff.

This is the second time I've picked them from walking trails that surround our humble little Galiano Island hideaway.  April is their time of year.  Luckily I had my gloves on me.  They can viciously aggravate exposed skin.  As Jeff and I clipped, one brushed against my wrist.  I couldn't shake the burny feeling for days.

We get so excited about those moments where we feel like we're 'living off the land'.  We feel a deep connection to something. 

So I made nettle soup for lunch and dined on the striped sea perch and kelp greenling Jeff caught, for dinner.  Yum.

Next time I will experiment with my recipe for nettle soup.  This one called for nutmeg which I think should be reserved for baked goods and rum eggnog.

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